Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Tyres and Tantrums

I finally worked out how the pool keeps getting dirty, this morning as Stitch and I were walking around the garden I noticed the paths were wet which is kinda odd as it wasn't raining, the garden is set up with a network of sprinklers and unfortunately(or fortunately when you think how expensive water is when you are charged by usage)the water that is used for the garden is some kind of system that is previously used water, and not just ours I might add, so anyway the water had been sprinkling across the paths and contaminating the pool, no wonder Michael the pool man has had a problem with cleaning it.  Anyway, we called the gardener who installed and maintains the garden and pipework and he said he would send someone over to sort the pipes later in the day.

Today I decided to sort the basement out as we will be having guest in a couple of weeks, so I began moving boxes and belongings that we don't use just now and put them in the back room of the basement, I organised the sitting room in the basement and moved all the patio furniture cushions into the garage and placed them on the chairs, so now the guest will have their own living area in the granny basement, some people have granny flats we have a granny basement.

My beloved had to go and get new tyres today one because the blow out we had meant we were using the spare and two because they are all  rather on the shoddy side, so four tyres new to us, but lovingly cared for later and the jeep is driving like a dream, no more shake rattle and roll as the lovely guy at the garage sorted the tracking at the same time. Michael had gone with my beloved as it was his friends garage and trust me my beloved would never have found it on his own.  Just before they left for the garage the gardeners arrived so luckily Michael (pool man) explained the problems with the water, I was then left with two gents in the garden getting very wet, it was actually quite funny watching them turn the water on to figure out which direction it was being sprayed because even I knew it was going to be all over them.  They eventually seemed happy with their work (and very wet) and off the toddled leaving Stitch and I snickering at them from behind the blinds.

I took Stitch for a long walk up and over the village to give him some exercise, it was quite breezy but not unpleasant, I let him off the lead but this poor hound is easily spooked and stopped as if to say "I am not going down there", so I went back put his lead on and he walked no problem, although he did jump a few times when the trees rustled in his ears, or a neighbourhood dog objected loudly to us being in his toon.

Our evening was spent watching a DVD purchased from the local shop, over a glass of wine with the hound on my beloved's knee and rather pleasant it was too. White House Down was our DVD of choice and it was thoroughly believed in an enjoyable kind of way, Wolf on Wall Street it is tomorrow or Homefront with Jason decisions, decisions.

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