Sunday, 6 April 2014

Saussell Time

Stitch was walked along the beach front this morning,the sun was shining and it was such a lovely day we decided that as he had sat his backside down about three times he is obviously trying to tell us something, we decided he needed a Frappe so we headed for Malindis on the front, Frappe downed and dog watered he doesn't like Frappe anyway, beloved fed with nachos and dips, oh and Stitch had a couple as my beloved was struggling with the plateful, Stitch likes to help.

We headed back up to the house and stopped into the bakers for some bread for the left over soup, which even on second day was delicious, my beloved makes the best chicken soup in the world but my Thai chicken makes a superb second choice. We spent our afternoon lounging around the house, washing was all in order and as the house was already tidy there was nothing else to do than catch up on some of the wine drinking I had missed out on whilst in the UK, but why is it when you drink you get the munchies, so it was a quick trip to the store for popcorn and treats before our evening unfolded, or should I say rolled. In my infinite wisdom I decided to set light to the foam filler that we had used to block the Bees nest, the Bees have eaten their way through thus allowing them free access to their nest, I now have a black spot on the wall and the nest is still there, I think we are going to have to accept the fact that the Bees are here to stay. I did hit the blackened foam with the broom handle at one point but ran away very quickly when a couple of angry Bees came flying out the nest, needless to say mixing alcohol with fire was not my best decision ever.

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