Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Beach Bunnies

Today was a gloriously sunny day and there was nothing else for it but to take a long walk along the beachfront, Stitch was put in the back of the jeep and off we went, we arrived at the Marina car park and set off along the prom on a lovely walk, now the coastline of Limassol is such that walk ways have had to be built over the sea and rocks to allow strollers a safe walk without having to walk the roadside, the trouble is when you have a little dog and the walk ways above the rocks are made of slatted lengths of wood and it can become very difficult for a little hound with small feet, so needless to say Stitch had to be carried on these occasions as broken legs are not required in this house.  Stitch didn't mind the lifts but my beloved moaned that he had to carry Stitch and why couldn't he have big feet (Stitch not my beloved).  

Lots of people stopped to speak to Stitch on the route, a couple of children bent down to speak to him and he sniffed at them a little and then carried on, he is quite funny with people because he will walk past someone and turn as if to say 'Helloooo I'm here', but if they turn to speak he saunters off ignoring them completely.  We have come across quite a few people who call him Milo from the mask, and I suppose he has a swipe of Milo but he is far better looking and doesn't have a green face.

Our walk took us as far as the Four Seasons Hotel before we had to turn off the beach path because dogs are not allowed, I understand not letting them on the beach, but a path I just don't get, so we walked up through the front of the Fours Seasons and then dropped back down onto the path back towards the marina, thereby making my beloved carry Stitch back across the wooden slats again, our walk finished at Malindis with a Frappe and water for the hound, sitting in the sun with Stitch under the table and for as long as his walk was he still had the energy to try and chase the cat that appeared from nowhere, luckily my beloved as a fair sized rump and Stitch was attached to his chair so he was going nowhere far.


Our little walk obviously we did it twice,  there and back

Our homework from our class yesterday is the sit command, already got that covered, the stay command, on it like sonic and the down command which we are almost in control of, just have to keep at it to make sure Stitch can do it in company now, practice, practice, practice.

Our evening was spent alone, we didn't think Stitch would like Captain America as he doesn't seem to like the videos we keep showing him, maybe we should stop showing him meowing cats, and barking dogs! The cinema was very quiet initially but soon filled up with people of all ages, and then the film began, Tadaaaa Captain American transferred us into another world of madness and mayhem, bullets and backflips and we loved it, I am now praying that we are still in Cyprus for the new Avengers movie but considering that it doesn't show until 2015 think that will be a no then, we will just have to visit a country that shows movies because Saudi Arabia won't be showing it thats for sure.  Stitch was happy to see us when we returned, he asked all about the film, was it good? were there any bitches in it? the usual questions.....

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