Thursday, 17 April 2014

7Km Walk along the front

Today we had a lovely walk along the promenade from the Crowne Plaza to the old port of Limassol, the sun was shining today and it was so much nicer that yesterday, it's always nice to be out when the rain is missing.  We took our lunch at Dino art one of my favourite restaurants mainly because they do the most amazing salads, I decided on the Teriyaki Ducki Salad(as they call it) and my beloved on the Chicken wraps with some yogurt dressing or other, I think I had the best choice the duck was mouth watering and the slices of orange that accompanied it were a delight, I really could eat at Dino art every day.

Stitch as usual was under the table and as we were eating outside people would stop and speak to him, we really have to teach him to say hello without turning tail and hiding.  After lunch was finished we walked back along to the Crowne to collect the car, then it was time for some shopping, now it was so hot in the car I thought even though the car was in the shade of the multi-storey car park it would be cruel to leave Stitch in it, so my beloved and he sat in the car with the air con blasting out cold air listening to tunes whilst I did a supermarket dash.  Supplies purchased and it was time for home.

Once again we are still streaming and The Mentalist was for our evening entertainment, well that and the hound, he didn't think much of his cravat I made him out of my head scarf but I thought he looked cool. Whilst we were watching the TV we heard the owl again and this time I managed to get photos, Stitch was going mental chasing around the house whilst I took pictures out the front, but then Stitch goes mental chasing most things including his tail.

our little visitor

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