Sunday, 13 April 2014

Where was I


The days seem to have merged into one, I have lost track of where I am, and in fact who I am, this could be largely due to alcohol consumed on Saturday night, and not having blogged when I should have I am trying to play catch up with elusive memories that I can barely cling onto.  I Know I did something on Friday but I just can't catch the thread, it's hanging there in my brain teasing and irritating me at the same time, I'm beginning to think I need to take a dictaphone with me, or at the very least a pen and paper, that itself would cause another issue! Where did I leave the pen and paper, I found the dogs hand cream for his ears by the way, it was underneath a hat sitting on the worktop, no wonder I couldn't find it, who would put cream under a hat!!!!!


The day started so well, we took Stitch for a quick walk around the block, and then it was time for some 'us space', we left Stitch at home which involved closing all the shutters on the ground floor, poor Stitch must have thought he was going back to bed again, but I could just imagine if one of the local cats had passed by he would have gone nuts chasing between the patio doors, the cats do have a tendency to sit and stare at him if they think he can't get out so best to close the blinds.

My beloved and I headed into Limassol and the local market, which turned out to be a flea market with way to much flea in it for me, I'm sure my sister in law would have found something of great value in amongst the tat but all I could see was other peoples rubbish, well apart from three books I purchased for 3euros, oh and I won't be finishing one of my Heathrow books because having thought it would be a great read it has turned out to be a bit of a bore, confusion flourished the more pages I turned and I have given up trying to keep up with the ever changing characters, so now I have three new or slightly used books and one new Heathrow book to read. We left the market and went for a nice coffee in the sun at Starbucks, where we also collected some ground beans for our coffee machine, we then headed to Stephanides to collect an adapter for the computer to link to the mac and then it was home again.

Stitch was pleased to see us and all the shutters were opened once more, oh how I miss my Israeli shutters, one flick of a switch and they were open, these mediterranean ones have to be folded back and pinned into place, such a waste of five minutes that I will never get back again.  Michael (pool man) collected my beloved and took him to get his Jeep which had not only been fixed but also valeted (shame the birds pooped on it overnight).  

Our evening unfolded and after putting Stitch to bed we headed to the Bistro to meet Michael and his wife Evangelia and his daughter Maria for supper, our evening was spent with new friends and good food, Sheftalia for me oh how I like that food, but I have to say I don't like the description much that I found on google, sometimes it's best to be kept in the dark about such foods, you only have to think of Haggis to remember that, and I do loves a bit of Haggis. Zoi Michael's eldest daughter joined us later in the evening and we chatted away about this and that and spent a lovely evening in Parekklisia, shame we had to go home and open one more bottle of wine though - only because we could obviously! Tomorrow is going to be a struggle me thinks

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