Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Backing up Baby

I woke early this morning as I felt like I had been kicked all over so I rolled out of bed and left my beloved pushing up zzzs.  Stitch as always was happy to see me and we went for a walk around the garden, obviously the grass was wet again because he did that cat thing, he jumped straight up in the air and managed to hit the path without touching the grass again.  I could tell he was needing a business stop but he just wasn't giving in to the urge if it meant going on the grass, so we went inside and I fed him his breakfast and then took him for a walk around the block. We passed a cat on route and I am now training this poor hound to let the cats be, this means no chasing or growling at them, this I think will take an awful lot of training, but at least for the moment he isn't attacking the glass to get out into the garden when a cat comes tripping by to get a drink at the pool

Something we have noticed for a few days now is that if we tell Stitch something like go to your mat especially when we are eating he is behaving a little like a stroppy teenager because he will go to his mat but he grumbles on the way, it is the funniest thing to hear, I swear if he could he would slam a door or stomp his paws, it's a kind of a rumble low and deep in his throat, personally I think he is swearing at us.

Oh my the basement had a funny smell today, when I went down to put the washing on I discovered again that the toilet down there is very slow to drain, then I noticed the downstairs shower next to the toilet has water coming up from the drain, this was followed by water coming up the sink next to the washing machine and finally when I was outside to hang my washing the drain outside the garage  had water coming up which is obviously where the funny smell was coming from.  The plumber who was sent to assist informed my beloved 'the smell, it is because you don't have a window in your toilet' yep because obviously the water always flows up the walls to exit a bathroom and leaves a smell, what a numpty! 

We left the house and set off to the beach for a walk with the hound only to receive a call about a second plumber that would be arriving within the hour, so poor Stitch had a very quick and very short walk, then it was  a speed shop for supplies before heading home again.

The second plumber arrived and thankfully being from north London many moons ago his English was impeccable, and once he opened a few of the man holes he discovered a rather nasty blockage that was causing the water to back up, so he flushed everything through and we now have free flowing drains again and no smell, thank god! 

Whilst my beloved was organising the second plumber I put the shopping away and fed Stitch, then went upstairs to do some ironing, my beloved came up to see me and told me all that had occurred with the flush through (way too much over sharing)and then he went back down to make supper, I eventually followed him downstairs and he greeted me by telling me 'the dogs been fed', how wonderful for Stitch a wee dog who only weighs 4.5 kilo and gets 95gms of food a day must think all his dreams have come true as today he has been fed three times and given a grand total of 135gms, I have since informed my beloved that should the dog need up in the night to relieve himself it will in fact be his turn....he said he did wonder why the dog didn't look as interested as usual in his bowl, but this didn't stop the little scamp from finishing it though.

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