Tuesday, 18 March 2014


Today Stitch and I headed to Limassol for passport photos once they were tweaked because the photographer said he likes to tweak them I was ready to send them to the UK, now I'm not quite sure why my photo would need tweaking as really perfection is as it says, but he did his thing and it cost me no more than I should have paid pre tweak so I walked out with my tweaked pics and sent them off.

Once that was done it was onto the passport office in London to make an appointment, three times throughout the day I had to change my appointment, once because we were worried we wouldn't get the pics notarised and documents sent off in time for us arriving in London, twice because my beloved didn't like the day I picked and thirdly because my beloved suddenly realised he had Israeli stamps in his second passport which would make it impossible for us to get visa's should we decide to travel to a country that really didn't like Israel, myself I don't understand any country that doesn't like Israel but there is a lot of world out there and I don't pretend to understand any of it.

So after my third appointment was made and my beloved's first appointment I set about organising flights to the London, then onto Scotland, the first card I used was not accepted and then after dropping my beloved out with some friends I attempted the second card, this too was refused and I received a message saying 'call the fraud office, using this reference!', so I called the bank and went through all the security to have my card reinstalled, unknown to me my beloved had the same phone conversation with his bank, thankfully we are both reinstated and no fraud was committed, even though the fraud wasn't fraud it was actually us trying to use our own cards......

Stitch had a second visit to the vet to check his cut bits, and a second rather nasty antibiotic jab stuck in his leg, this was the first time my boy had yelped whilst getting injections the poor thing, and when later in the evening I called him to go for a pee break he limped all the way out of his crate and just sat on his mat, obviously the vet was a nasty, nasty man.

So now I have all our flights to the UK booked, family organised as much as you can organise family when they are at opposite ends of the UK, and you know your gonna upset someone, so now I am left with organising housing for Stitch, this I find the most difficult, how do you know if the home will be a good one, what if he is distraught when we leave him, what if he isn't popular, or not in the Jock team, or god forbid the cheerleaders take him on, my poor wee man anything could happen, he has become accustomed to the life of a lap dog, but what if he is sold into slavery and becomes a lap dancer all of these things are a big worry when looking for housing....

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