Saturday, 8 March 2014

Lent my wine

Wow today I got out of bed at 8am, unheard of and because I was still sleepy headed I felt quite drunk and dizzy, bending down to talk to Stitch proved disorientating to say the least, and whilst trying to make coffee with my phone in my hand I noticed the phone had called Lou Lou, not sure that was a good idea at just after 6am in the morning UK time..

I made a phone call to little Bro who informed me he had fallen through a clients ceiling, but it's ok as the ceiling was coming down anyway to obvsiously he had saved the client a bit of money, unconscious comedian as always.

Stitch and I had an strange kind of day, one because I didn't have the energy to go out far and two because unusually I was ironing, the shed load of ironing took two attempts as the heat upstairs was ridiculous even in the back bedroom which has no direct sunlight, so whilst Rizzoli and Isles was playing on the computer I ironed and ironed, Stitch just lay around upstairs following the sun streaming through the landing window, more boxes were moved around whilst I took a break from the ironing, it's not that I have to really pack anything as the movers will do it all, I just like to be organised and the more organised I am the easier it will be to unpack our belongings, the movers are also paid to do the unpacking but I prefer to do it myself and then at least I know where everything is.

So on Shrove Tuesday after an in depth conversation with a friend I decided to observe Lent this year, now as you know giving up your favourite things is difficult at the best of times, but I made the decision and have decided to lend my wine to Lent, so Tuesday we gave up the pancakes and partook of wine, my last until Lent is finished which takes 40 days, I have no idea how long I will manage but I'm working on the premise that every little helps, so today is Friday and I am not craving wine at all, but wow did I fancy a whisky, I held fast to my no wine and managed to avoid the whisky too.

Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter. In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count).
Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection.
Not all Christian churches observe Lent. Lent is mostly observed by the Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican denominations, and also by Roman Catholics. Eastern Orthodox churches observe Lent or Great Lent, during the 6 weeks or 40 days preceding Palm Sundaywith fasting continues during the Holy Weekof Orthodox Easter. Lent for Eastern Orthodox churches begins on Monday (called Clean Monday) and Ash Wednesday is not observed.

Funny thing is that Clean Monday is Green Monday in Cyprus and it has something to do purifying the cleaning the body and soul apparently, oh and the house, and I do the house all the time so I must be pure.

So having Lent my wine but not my dairy and meat which is when they observer completely I am on it like sonic, we shall see, although having read that Sundays don't fall under the Lent ritual maybe a snifter may be the way to go with my Sunday lunch...... it's all very confusing when you start looking into religion especially when you come from the religious background that I do, where by there wasn't one, the only thing I do know for sure is I am Church of England, my parents only went to church for celebrations, and not the Jesus kind, but as kids we did the sunday school thing, and religion education through the various groups we joined, ie brownies, guides and such like, oh yeah and school.

Enough of the religious stuff, back to Stitch who's ears are coming on beautifully with the hand cream I keep rubbing in, every time we go outside and he comes indoors with cold ears I rub in more cream, he will have to softest ears a Heinz 57 could ever have and hopefully they will be all furry come the summer.

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