Friday, 28 March 2014

Aunty Great

Thursday Harley Street and Birthdays                       

Little Bro still being under the weather after being under the tree had time on his hands as his battered body was not able to carry him to work, his cauliflower ear was still rather messy looking and one side of his body is still developing the bruises of his bash so what more could he do than accompany us to London, rather slowly as his foot is still swollen under the arch which has his toes off the floor, the scratches on his face make him look like he has been in a bit of a cat fight,  and he has just noticed his wedding ring is becoming tighter as the finger is rather swollen at the knuckle, I think it’s time Peter Pan hung up his bicycle clips.

Breakfast was taken in All Bar One, Eggy Bread and Bacon with maple syrup for myself and Little Bro and my beloved had the full English, and lip smacking they all were too, been a long time since I have had Eggy bread but the maple syrup was the icing on the cake so to speak.

We headed for Harley street where the boys left me to my devices and they headed for Marylebone and a pub, when I eventually found them after two phone calls and a number of directions they were parked up in The Gunmakers, which was an odd little find and when I ordered my drink and turned around I was met by a sign saying the Winchester club, I half expected to see Arthur Daley come through the door, but was disappointed when it was just London Toffs in for their lunch.

After our drinks it was time for John Lewis a quick dash around the make-up department looking for a blood red lipstick and mascara for a present and then off to the trains again and heading this time to Belvedere to a birthday surprise for an Aunty
I haven’t seen for more years than I can remember, 70 years old and still as amazingly funny as I remember her, this great lady always reminds me of a cross between Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor with a  fondness for Black Tower and Benson and Hedges, one of the last times I remember being at her table was when Queenie was a baby, or possibly before, having bought new shoes and put them on her table said Aunty preceded to stand on the table and spin around to get rid of the bad luck! My dear cousin Blondie was with us and still nursing her rather tender tummy after her evening with Huey, Little Bro’s better half was working as was my cousin Blondie’s other half so the three of us were entertained by my Aunty Great as she likes to be known, this name came about after Queenie was born as being a Great Aunt didn’t sit well for her at the tender age of 42.
Little Bro hiding his cauliflower ear

The boys and the rude waiter

Wine on a train

Wino on a train

We drank and laughed our way through the late afternoon into the evening and eventually it was time to depart, we were driven by my the lovely cousin Blondie who dropped us back to Little Bro’s house and we fed our faces before heading to bed.

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