Friday, 28 February 2014


Today was a lovely day thankfully, the sun was up bright and early as were we, Stitch and my beloved went for a business walk and I watched them from the garden gate.

The electric was on full power and washing was put on and out before I took the wee one out for his walk, today was all about lead walking and keeping to heel, this poor hound must be sick of this training but it will stand him in good stead for walking in town, and anyway Victoria Stilwell says ‘its all about consistency’.

I didn’t do very much today at all, Stitch had a second walk this afternoon and a game of football, he really is quite funny with the football now, he has even managed to move it off the spot not very far admittedly but at least it moves, he keeps this up he will be getting a pair of booties very soon, or maybe two pair.

Did you know you can get rucksacks for dogs, I'm not talking about strapping a rucksack to your dog, I mean a carrier for your dog to go into on extra long walks, no good for big dogs they would break your back, well unless you hung their back legs out the bottom so they could assist, also you get pushchairs for dogs or pull along bags I really could have a great time buying all these useless dog tools, but the one I do fancy is this one 

A front or back carrier for those long treks in the Troodos! I can just see my beloved wearing this, or maybe pushing one of these!

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