Saturday, 22 February 2014

Venting, everyone loves to do it

When I eventually came down this morning the boys were already up and at it, Stitch had been fed and was bounding all over I threw his ball and he chased it around the living room, he hasn't quite got the idea of fetch yet, he loves his orange teddy and has managed to rip its rope from it's backside, mainly because he does the terrier thing and shakes it into submission, the squeaky ball gets chewed and chased but the fetch really does need some work.

What a lazy morning for me, I could not be bothered to get dressed, and around  10am received a message from my dear brother telling me to get out of bed and bell him, cheeky wee shite! my phone was upstairs so I had missed his call, I dutifully called him back to find out he had only called to vent off steam about being stuck on the M25 between two junctions and had been there for three hours, so after a lovely venting phone call we said our goodbyes. I have to say it is nice when you get phone calls, especially little bro the unconscious comedian.

We took a day trip to Oriklini today which is the other side of Larnaca, a lovely village not so sleepy today I have to say, and I really had to keep my wits about me when travelling through the old part of the village as the windy streets made only for one car were actually two way, there was a lot of breathing in and hoping the car would shrink.  We discovered one of the best restaurants in Cyprus, well thats what we were told, we didn't go in but will go back, apparently people come from all over Cyprus to go to this restaurant, and had we not been shown where it was we would never have found it.

We passed a motor cyclist on our tour whilst going along the motor way, why oh why do they not wear helmets in this country is beyond me, but there really should be a law against hairy motor bikers with overspill on the butt, it was most unattractive to see his butt hanging out of his jeans, luckily he had a wide tyre at the back to hold his weight up, now don't get me wrong a nice butt is something to behold but it really should be covered and kept in your pants...

Poor Stitch had spent most of the afternoon in the car, he didn't complain although the tilt of his head when we were waiting for our Chinese back in Kolossi was enough to say WTF, we took our food and Stitch home fed the poor hound, ate supper and then took him for a moonlight walk of Kolossi, the stars were out in abundance and being in the countryside mean't lovely views without the streetlights dimming the array of twinklers in the sky.  Our neighbours have many greenhouses as they are something to do with the plant nurseries around us, and last night as we arrived back at the house we could hear what we believe to be frogs, the noise is quite amusing from where we live, but I really wouldn't want to live right next to them as they are so loud, first time I heard them I thought it was some kind of mechanical device making the noise until I realised it was actually animal not mechanical.
Green tree frog

The small green Tree Frog lives mainly in the lowlands but can be found in the valleys of Troodos.

The small green Tree Frog, Hyla savignyi (or Hyla arborea ssp savignyi) can be found, as is to be expected, in areas with fairly lush vegetation and fairly near water. It is mainly a lowland frog but it can be found in the valleys of Troodos.
Green toad
The Green Toad is the most widespread of the Cyprus frogs and can survive in fairly dry conditions for long periods.
The frogs can often be seen on reed and rushes in the reedbeds at Phasouri and in the area north-west of Akrotiri Salt Lake. They are also often seen on the vegetation on the banks of streams and other water-courses. 

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