This morning Stitch took himself into the field which mean't manoeuvring down the bank, not quite as simple as it seems, but we eventually found out what had lead him down there, we thought it was a wood for the fire he was carrying back, but no it turns out to be a snake skin, luckily there was no snake hanging from the skin, yuk this countryside living can be a little overwhelming at times. I have to say if he keeps finding snake skin I could get a good pair of shoes or a handbag, but someone else would have to make it and I would only use it if it was bleached.....
Breakfast was taken by all three of us and then it was a lazy morning mooching around the house, I finally bit the bullet in the afternoon and set about the ironing pile. TV on, dog laying under the ironing board and we were all set, well until Stitch didn't like the noise of the steam ironing getting back to temperature that is. He settled again but then just as I was finishing and my beloved had finished his car cleaning chores the dog started barking at the window, when we looked up there were two dirty great big rabbits in the garden, honest they were bigger than the dog, we opened the door and the dog shot out and chased the rabbits out of the garden, what a speed all three took off at, I was worried that Stitch would catch the rabbits and there would be a standoff, I really need not have worried, I'm sure the size of them would have kept him at a safe distance, but the rabbits were seriously quick across the garden so he was never going to get that close to them anyway.
Having found spinach leaves on one of his shopping trips my beloved gave me his best hang dog look, oh and he had got the chicken out of the freezer so it was chicken korai for dinner, a little number I discovered when I was in Scotland watching the TV on one of the many times my beloved was away working, it really is a great dish, plenty of garlic, loads of heat and simple to make. And to be honest it was the best one I've made for a long time, to be fair to not a dish you can get wrong.
Stitch decided tonight was the night he didn't want to sleep, two trips back downstairs for my beloved and he eventually settled, but not before he was threatened with being put outside for the night.
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