Thursday, 6 February 2014

Wednesday's woes

Stitch was a little less frisky this morning, who can blame him really, first thing we had to do was collect a friends car as having left the country and their lease being up they had nowhere to store it, so we now have a lovely car sitting in our drive which we can't drive as we have no insurance, I wouldn't mind but it has 3/4 a tank of petrol in it too. Today was the first time in my life I have ever driven without insurance, I didn't like it at all, but there was no other way of getting the car from A to B, I wasn't about to let My Beloved drive as being the main breadwinner if an accident occurred with no insurance we would be snookered, at least if I crashed My Beloved could still work, some logic there somewhere.

Stitch just lay on the back seat as we trundled up to Chinkichita as I like to call it mainly because I can't spell or pronounce it's real name, then it was a quick walk around the car park near the Crowne plaza on a desensitisation walk, on the retractable lead, this worked quite well until another dog came out for a nose at us and I took fright picked up Stitch and got in the car.

Trying to keep on top of a Saussell when your cooking is not easy, he is so little you don't hear him coming, even with the name tag that tinkles as he walks, must be because I'm deaf, next thing we need is a cow bell I think I should hear that!!

We took a night walk up to the store with our cowardly dog, who really hates the dark, the traffic situation was a little better but a tight lead is required when something goes past us, usually at great speed which doesn't help a sensitive pooch. Luckily the German Shepherd was nowhere to be seen, but we could still hear him, I have no idea how people live with that kind of barking it would drive me round the twist.

Dog walking has now turned into wood collecting, I'm turning into a real hobo no longer a hotel hobo, picking up firewood as we walk is so undignified, but needs must the wood we collect is nice and dry and great for kindlers, we have had many bags of wood since moving in and sometimes you get wet wood which is not good when your house is cold,I think the high ceilings don't help, I'm sure the roof must be roasting, if I could just hang the sofa from the ceiling all would be cozy, well as long as seat belts were provided of course.

Today we bought loads of meat for the freezer, I'm not so impressed with the mince let me tell you, it's not Scottish and it definitely isn't Israeli, it looked the part but as I was cooking it the smell was strange, it was fresh as My Beloved informed me, he should know he was a chef after all, but I think I have a sensitive discerning nose and once I smothered it with spices it became a little more appealing to me! only just uuuughh.  Whilst we were in Israel I made a chicken dish which required cooking a whole chicken with it's bum sitting over a beer, it was during this cooking experiment I discovered I love wings, but only if they are fired through, I used to look at the wings in Israel and think yuk why would you eat them, now I buy them regularly and today was no exception so the freezer now contains chicken wings, mince (yuk), topside and chicken breast that should keep us fed for a while or two.

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