Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Classy joint

Today was not such a nice day, the weather was miserable and the rain very heavy, no dog walking this morning, I might love my doggy but walking in the rain is not one of my favourite past times.  So Stitch and I headed off to Limassol on a mission to find chinese supplies, after three failed attempts using Waze and ending up in housing estates I gave up and drove to the center of town for a coffee before trying one last time to find what I needed.  We parked up and headed up the main street, Stitch on his lead and behaving much better with the traffic today.  The trouble with Startbucks in the old town shopping area is that the wind whistles up the street from the beach, and sitting outside was a little like Russian roulette, you just weren’t sure when that CafĂ© umbrella was going to topple over, and although they were very well secured something hit a chair a few tables down which had pup dog cowering under my table, I decided it was safer to drink and run so we headed again for another Chinese supermarket supposedly 2.3km away.  Once again Waze had me in the middle of Limassol surrounded by houses and no supermarket to be seen, sod it I went to the butchers instead bought a heap of meat for the freezer and then headed home to Kolossi and the local supermarket, not Chinese you understand.

On the way towards the supermarket I spotted a beautiful rainbow and could not believe how wide the bands of colours looked, I stopped to get a photo and it was only then that I remember that I had my sunglasses on still, when I took them off to snap the rainbow I realized how my glasses had changed the colours slightly and it’s true life really is better through rose tinted glasses, or even polarised.

Stitch and I finally headed home and I set him on the ground as leaping out of the car is thankfully a habit he hasn’t worked out yet, and to be honest he is so small picking him up isn’t a problem, now getting him in the car is…. He seems to relish the fact that we are going out but his cross between excitement and chase me get a bit clouded when it comes to getting the little devil into the car, I have now taken to picking him up before I leave the house.  Anyway I let him run around and then he came in the house, went out again and then stayed in, I happened to turn around just as I caught him peeing on the mat at the door, I suppose I should be grateful he chose the mat and not cocking his leg up a wall but I still told him off and put him outside, and the rug in the washing machine.

Our presence was requested at the Angel so after supper we toddled along just for an hour and had to suffer a puking cat in the bar, we really are getting to some classy places, I have and will always hate cats with a passion and puking cats really do nothing for me, and the fact that one of the patrons decided to clean up the puke was really quite endearing until she used a mop to do it and therefore spread the puke all over, honest could she not have just used tissue then the mop.

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