Just as My Beloved was about to step in for his shower, I had finished in case you thought there was funny business afoot, not that we could manage anything remotely funny in our shower, we have a great bathroom, loads of space, but the smallest shower in the world, you can't move around once the doors are shut because your bum gets caught on the mixer tap which is set stupidly low, and due to the solar panels there is not much control over temperature, you either set it hinting at hot, or just shy of cold, I have made the mistake of not checking temperatures after my beloved has been in before, I'm still rubbing the burn cream in yet.
Whilst my beloved was upstairs getting ready for his shower the electrics sprang into life, what I didn't realise was he had not actually stepped in the shower and he came running through the house shouting coffeeeeeeeee, he really doesn't function well without his morning hit. Breakfast was prepared and then we headed off into town as I need my supplies for my dessert I will be preparing later in the day.
Trying to find ingredients in a foreign country has always been challenging and no more so than today, all I needed was mascarpone and elderflower cordial neither of which I could find in the first two supermarkets, so they really aren't that super, I eventually decided to substitute rose cordial for the elderflower and the mascarpone was found in Alpha Mega, so when we arrived home I began preparing my dessert of Sherbet which required the mascarpone, cordial and a pineapple, now one must always check labels and today I made the mistake of picking up a cordial without checking, I had already put one bottle down because it was sugar free, but mistakenly picked up Light, so when I put my ingredients together I didn't like the taste mainly due to that feeling you get on your tongue from fake sugar, so I did no more that went to the shop for more supplies, now ever since I have been with my beloved some of my best dishes have been something I like to call bastardised! what that means is you follow the recipe then add things to make it better or if you can't find what you want you substitute, so I found a tub of lemon sorbet and threw it in my mix, the result was zingy sherbet and lifted my dish from a mistake to sherbet heaven, every 30 mins I had to aerate the sherbet with a fork, I still have to figure out how you aerate a dish which you are freezing.
Stitch had to get his stitches out today, and the lovely vet lady tried to lay him on his back for the procedure, Stitch had other ideas this dog doesn't like being on his back, so stitches were removed on two legs, I held the other two whilst the vet snipped away the two pieces of thread, Stitch was quite non plussed by the whole affair, in fact he didn't even try to bend himself in half to check out what you vet was doing, he just stood there like scooby doo on two legs like it was quite normal for his neither regions to be scrutinised.
Valentines Menu
King Prawn Thermidor
T Bone Steak with pepper sauce
with Parisienne vegetables
Bastardised Sherbet
Irish Coffee
Coffee Alexandria
Frozen After Eight Mints
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