Monday, 17 February 2014

Dog Balls

This morning was breakfast for Stitch and then a long walk, because we have had a fair bit of rain the last few days poor Stitch has only had a couple of short walks so this morning we walked his little legs off, it's great having a dog because I can walk down roads that I have been wanting to travel without looking a complete fool when they turn out to be dead ends, which invariably they do, because it was early the neighbourhood was quite which included the dogs, well except a Doberman who lives in a motor garage in the middle of nowhere, but having come across him before he doesn't really bother me or Stitch, his bark is quite funny for a huge dog, and I do mean huge, I'm not sure he is pure Doberman there may be some bear in there too.

Stitch discovered greens whilst we were walking, I have no idea what kind of vegetable it was, it looked like a cabbage leaf but with a stalk, and for some reason for a hound that had just been fed Stitch devoured it, it had a crunch like celery and a shape that made it very easy for Stitch to carry in his mouth, well until he kept treading on the leaf as he walked.

We had our breakfast when we arrived home, and I have today decided that something is amiss with my breakfast, now I don't mean that something is not there, I mean something is not right, how can you want to sleep straight after breakfast and your body suddenly feel like lead, this leads me to a conclusion that the sausages have more wheat in them than my body can tolerate, so tomorrow it will be just bacon and eggs for me and we will see if that makes a difference. Because trying to stay awake at 11am in the morning is ridiculous.

Later in the day we drove into Limassol and headed for the only pet shop we know to be open on a Sunday, running out of hound food is not too clever on the weekends, but luckily we had found this sunday opening shop two weeks prior and could purchase food, oh and a couple of golfball sized tennis balls for Stitch, playing football with a dog who is smaller than the actual football is quite funny, he is quite brave with the ball now and will give it a wee nudge with his nose, but when it has accidentally caught him it has bowled him over, so it's time to get his own play ball. The lady in the pet shop helped me decided which food to get as I wanted to change from mini to small breed dog food, she also explained how she now has a pregnant bitch at home due to the fact that a rather naughty Russian dropped off their pooch for nail cutting, and returned under cover of darkness with a letter posted through their door which read,
Dear Madam, I have no money the dog eats human food and by the way she is pregnant!!! Some people have no shame, although I think it's better than dumping the bitch on the beach.

We had a coffee in town then headed to the supermarket before driving home, 
Stitch loves his new tennis balls and throwing them for him in the house is hilarious, watching him try and stop on tiled floor when at full speed is quite funny, and gives me hours of fun, in fact he did try and jump up when I was ironing yesterday and landed on his back which gave him quite a shock, I did try not to laugh, thank good he doesn't offend easily.

My Beloved was on supper duty and we had the left over Korai from the previous night with Biriani rice baked in the oven, it was delicious, the spices were pepped up and the chicken pulled all the spice inside, we finished off with Bastardised Sherbet and a cheeky bottle of vino. Then it was Sunday slouch time before walking the dog one last time before bed, and again because if was so dark Stitch didn't roam far from the torch beam, and if you turned off the torch just for the crack you understand, Stitch would just stand and wait for us, we walked up past the hounds of the Baskerville just to annoy them, god help us if they ever get out, and because we had walked past them once it mean't we had to do the same return journey, my beloved pretending to be a cat, and Stitch walking as on the furthest side of the road.

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