Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Stitch and I woke especially early yesterday as we had to deliver the jeep to the other end of Limassol, once I had fed a bleary eyed Stitch we jumped in the car and headed down the motorway.  We arrived at our destination handed over the keys and was asked what needing doing?? I was asked to bring the car in and ask for Marios my presumption (wrongly) was that Marios would know why I was there....

I rattled off a phone number said goodbye and Stitch and I began our trek towards the old port, we weaved through the streets taking cover from what ever we could, the temperature was hot and the humidity high but we carried on, we eventually arrived at Columbia plaza and rested a while whilst drinking coffee and water, the rest prepared us for the next leg of our journey again trying to keep in the shade we walked from the old town to the Crowne Plaza, we walked around the back of the Crowne and were lucky enough to find Alex working at Lime bar so we stopped for a chat and caught up on each others goings on, then it was time for Stitch and I to head off again.

So we had walked four miles by the time we arrived at the Crowne Plaza, which doesn't seem much compared to some of my nutty friends and their passions for distance running, but my little hound only has short legs as do I so I decided to wait for a bus.  The bus arrived the driver wagged his finger and shook his head, obviously no dogs allowed then.  How are you supposed to get anywhere if you can't use public transport.  So I had no other choice than to flag down a taxi knowing full well this was going to cost me an arm and a leg.  My taxi arrived and could see I was carrying Stitch but let us in his car, he explained in broken english something about an 850 euro fine and 3 points, I wasn't sure if that was the bus for taking a dog, or a taxi but I was not getting back out again, and anyway Stitch was prostrate in the footwell. Initially I thought nothing of my driver until I saw his hand shoot off the steering wheel, we were chatting and then he kept clearing his throat, and then there was more twitching, not wanting to be rude I ignored the movements and we carried on chatting, all the time I was thinking what condition would make a person move in such a way and allow them a license to drive, "Tourettes" I had managed to get probably the only taxi driver in Limassol to take me and my doggie home and he has Tourettes, luckily the car was automatic so changing gear wasn't an issue, but on occasions when the left hand sprang off the steering wheel we did slip a little across the road, and going up the mountain hill was a little worrying as there are many nasty bends and both hands are needed on the wheel, but I have to say what a lovely man, we chatted about children and he was telling me about his 3 year old daughter who is a hooligan, and that he was born in Limassol, I told him about our gang and the time passed very quickly which was just as well because the petrol light was on red when I got in, can you imagine getting a twitch whilst trying to pump petrol into your car...........................

We arrived home and then it was time for me to head back out again and do some grocery shopping, the cupboards are bare and fruit supply non existent so Debenhams bound I headed back into the sun with my little car leaving Stitch in the house as he could do with a rest. Before arriving at my destination I had a little stop off at the organic store not because I want organic veggies, but I have been trying to find coconut oil for weeks now and it was my last resort and hooray success I found a jar of raw coconut oil so now I will be using that instead of olive oil and I may even put it in my hair just for the hell of it, apparently it has many uses.

Stitch and I had an evening in front of the Tv, not terrestrial but the computer plugged into the Tv, we watch True Detective and I am completely hooked so much so that I am now onto episode 5, well Stitch loves it so we keep watching it.

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