Sunday, 15 June 2014

Sex and Bingo

So yesterday we had breakfast and organised ourselves out the door just after 10.30 we were Troodos bound, having missed the correct turn off probably because I was chatting we looped back and headed up the mountains taking in the sights as we went, we travelled through the wine route noting all the different wines I personally have tasted, passing the Waterfalls cafe which I'm convinced doesn't have a waterfall (google would know) and upwards to the Mt Olympus visitor centre where we parked and walked through the forest to the Troodos square. We decided on a little light lunch before heading to the top of the mountain so we found and cafe and sat outside with Stitch under the table as usual.

After lunch we walked partway up the mountain giving Stitch a leg stretch then headed back to the car to discover roads on a side of the mountain I had not been on before, we found what looked like a Military base and in the forest there were lots of chalets dotted around with little roads leading to them, from this side of the mountain we could see Limassol, the salt lake, Akroteri and the sea, on our way down we stopped for photos of the views and our favourite picture of the day the fountain flowing red, now wouldn't that be nice to lay under in the sunshine and lap up if you could guarantee it was wine.

We arrived home and the Little King sunned his pearlescent body whilst I uploaded the photos we had taken, then it was time for supper. The Little King finished off some fajitas and I made a rather nice chicken dish with chilly, coconut milk and chinese spices only to be told 'I think I would like that', haha snooze you lose.

We sat outside for part of the evening, having discovered that we share the same Nikkon we have been chatting about different techniques and I have been learning quite a lot from Little King, he on the other had has also learnt a few tricks from his Mumma, we eventually moved inside and continued messing around with the camera.  Why is it everything is connected with numbers the Aperture is number related, the Shutter speed is number related, eventually we decided it was best I write everything down to try and make sense of the numbers, always have and always will have problems with numbers, did I tell you I don't play BINGO!!!!.......
A shot from Little King of the garden reflection in the pool

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