Stitch has been getting his late night walks because of the rising temps, the trouble is he doesn't like the dark much and it appears that walking the village at night it not the best of ideas as every dog and his dog is in the gardens and yards, making for a very nervous Stitch because trust me they are not quiet hounds oh no, not by any stretch of the imagination could you think about going to sleep in that neighbourhood without earplugs, so glad we live just on the outskirts of the village and the distance obviously deadens the sound of baying beasts.
Three days now I have been trying to upgrade my VPN, and every time I have thought ok lets do this something has come up, popped into my head or pushed the thought down into the recesses of my little brain leaving me with a feeling of something I should be doing but having no idea what it is, I almost got it organised yesterday at lunch until I remembered I was on an open wifi and that really wouldn't be a good idea with banking details, so last night I sat down for around two hours or more with a couple of coffee stops (my own not invites) and got it sorted, the thing is I became spooked initially when trying to set up a recurring payment as it was through another account I had never heard of, now I'm sure my internet guru's out there would have said 'oh yeah I've heard of them', but not me, so I had visions of some malicious Russian stealing all my millions using his viscousness within my lovely mac, hiding in the background scamming money from my numerous offshore funds!(this is what happens when you read the news) So I decided nope I am going to set up a standing order with my bank, this entailed mailing the company asking the necessary details required for the bank, and waiting on a reply (no wonder there were coffee stops), I then had to wait for the bank to call me, once they had sent me some code or other and I then had to tell them the code, THEY SENT IT TO MEEEEEE surely they don't need me to tell them. I have decided I am going back to using cash, no longer will I be transferring, exchanging or even laundering any more monopoly money it's hard work and a waste of my ever so precious time, after all I could be eating more Souvla.
My Beautiful boy Stitch was getting poison training again today, I love it when he gets it right and I have to give him a treat, it's so funny to see him take a wide berth of something he knows he is not allowed because the 'leave it' command has been given (but he really wants it), but what's even more amusing is when I think why the hell is he not sitting when I tell him only to turn round and find my beloved in a sit with his tongue hanging out......
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