Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Water Baby

The weather first thing was bright and sunny then it became cloudy and a little cooler but  this was just up Glen's street he decided this would be a great time for him to sunbathe, unfortunately for him by the time he finally decided it was his time to lounge in the sun the clouds had disappeared and he was destined to be ginger skinned with blonde hair for the rest of the holiday, my beloved and I lay out whilst the invaders then took themselves off to Limassol looking for bags.

By the time the invaders arrived back it was roasting and time for food so meals were prepared and then it was time to get back on that sun bed, poor Nicola not feeling too great decided to take a nap downstairs with the baby. Now poor Eva has had a real hard time with the ups and downs of life this week, she continues to believe she lives upstairs where in fact she lives downstairs, it doesn't matter that we all correct her, she just can't get her little head around the fact that she is in fact below stairs.

Today was the day, it was so hot I had decided that it was now or never with the pool and as Dad was inside and Mum was sleeping with Halle, and Uncle beloved was reading it was left to me to take Eva in the pool, now I approached this with caution as I hate cold water and swimming in it never has filled me with joy, but I walked down the steps and plunged in, joy of joys the water was lovely, obviously water heated from 30 degree sunshine is the way to go.  It was only when I was in I actually realised our pool is quite deep considering some of the home pools I've been in, once Eva was down the first two steps she was already out of her depth, we didn't care though we floated around with the pink ring, and the yellow seat and kicked our way from end to end, Eva giggling and squealing as we went.  We eventually came out dried off and headed inside, when Nicola woke she didn't believe I had been in the pool until I showed her the photographic evidence that is.

Our evening was spent at the Old Port of Limassol we ate at Castellos' and as is the Mediterranean way the plates were overflowing with beautiful food and the evening was warm, we finished off our evening at Cold Stone ice cream and that just about finished us off, every one but me that is, I must have three stomachs because I wasn't full and I had plenty of room for titbits when we arrived home, that and the wine and trying to watch a film that refused to stream properly was the finish to a lovely week with the family, so glad they came, SO glad they've gone, but sooooo looking forward to seeing them in Bahrain in October.
Eye Eye
couldn't get the children on board

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