Myself, I am reading a great book about Mossad, a book I purchased for my beloved whilst we were in Israel, it's great reading all the missions undertaken by the agents of Mossad, especially as I now have first hand knowledge of Israel, some of the road names and places, so many of the buildings now make sense to me as they are named after Prime Ministers or Agents and others of course who throughout history have given either their lives or skills towards the country named as Israel. It has also lead me to a greater understanding of the wars that Israel has battled through and continue to battle behind the scenes on a daily basis.
My beloved on the other hand is reading something by Karen Rose, well that is when Stitch isn't walking all over his book when he is stomach down on his sun bed with the book on the floor (obviously the hound thinks he should be getting more attention).
We had visitors around mid afternoon who arrived after a trip to Moni and the dog shelter where they took a couple of hounds out for a walk, after they left we showered and decided to walk our own wee hound and collect some ground coffee from Starbucks on route, the amount of coffee we drink I'm thinking we should be getting shares, or at the very least discount!
We arrived in Limassol parked the car and headed off along the promenade, we walked as far as the old port and sat at a little cafe on one of the side streets taking in the locals and sipping on our drinks, Stitch really doesn't like people very much, although they love him, he is just not comfortable with crowds, and two or more constitutes a crowd for this pup. He sat under the table but was forever on the look out for on coming feet, eventually I sat him on the chair next to me, but this just meant he was now able to see more that just their feet and really didn't help very much. The only way he will take any notice of people talking to him is if he is being carried, it's a bit like when the children were little and someone they didn't know spoke to them, they would wrap themselves around my legs trying to avoid having to speak to said stranger, now Queenie could be a little different and on occasions would speak to anyone believing herself to be on an adult par with who ever she was speaking with.
We headed back through the streets to the car and home again after a lovely walk through Limassol, supper was made and we settled down to watch a film called Mississippi Burning, having never seen this film before I was really enjoying it until it stopped at an hour and 29 mins apparently half way through and could we find a link to the second half, so now we have to investigate how to get the second half of the film, most frustrating.
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