Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Dog Breath

So the last we few have been and gone in a flash, between sleeping and eating and the occasional walk with Stitch we haven't been up to much.  Precious paws has been avoiding the grass during the rainy periods and running around like a muppet during the dry times,  my beloved has been organising medicals and finally he should (I hope) get his medical today at 11am, now being a man that does not like needles, he is going to get some amount of blood taken for the tests he requires just to get his visa for Saudi, now it's not the fault of the Saudi's, it is in fact the company that require such stringent test, oh and he has had to fast so now I'm listening to a whinging Geordie because he wants coffee...........

The house is almost organised for the relatives arriving next week, two adults and two babies, think I may need a playpen (just for the adults of course). 

Stitch is currently lying in front of the window soaking up the sunshine, yesterday he finally decided to chew on the new antler chew I purchased for him, he has had it a week and has taken a wide berth of it ever since, it's a funny old chew in that if you drop it the noise is something akin to a brick being dropped and initially this was what put him off, but now he happily chomps away at it, apparently it's a great dental tool, personally I'm hoping it improves his dog breath because the next step is mint sweets! 

Stitch missed his training this week as there was no way my back would have coped with all the bending down during training (the down side to a small dog), but I have his homework most of which he can do anyway so we should be back on track next week, and besides after all the rain we had last week I really didn't fancy training in a muddy field.

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