A very strange thing with our house is the sinks, the kitchen sink and the basement sink are both square and on the small side, the sinks in the other bathrooms are very pretty to look at but are all very shallow, my beloved struggles even when trying to get a shave, trying to dunk his razor in a teacup basin just doesn't make for clean shaving, well imagine trying to bathe poor Stitch in the square sink, he just about fits in the sink but the tap over hangs and tends to bump him in the noggin, I prepared the water, did the elbow test and in he went well once I prised his paws off the four corners that is. Once he was soaked the lathering began, head to toe in bubbles he did look cute, but definitely not happy! So now we have a clean dog who isn't talking to us AGAIN.
We headed out for a catch up with an old friend from Turriff who happens to visiting the island, unfortunately for Anne the weather has not improved much since she arrived and poor Anne and her daughter have been dodging rain clouds since they landed, and the forecast does not look to improve much before they leave. We had a lovely chat over our coffees catching up on each others news, and the news from Turriff, I do miss home but not enough to be sharing their damned weather to be honest...... After leaving Anne we headed back to the car and Stitch who still isn't talking to us, probably because this dog hates the cold as much as we do and we did soak him before leaving, and if we dare open a window in the car when driving the look of contempt he gives up is enough to scare us into quickly shutting it again and apologising profusely.
We arrived back to Limassol and headed for food as we were both very hungry having missed breakfast and not bothering with lunch, it wasn't that we missed breakfast because you can't really miss something you haven't prepared, but our bellies missed it that's for sure and we were both suffering the groaning from down below. Chesters' was where we ate sitting in the outer undercover area, the rain had stopped by now but it was still too cold to actually brave sitting outside the under cover, we both ate pasta dishes to calm our groaning bellies and thankfully it worked because I was beginning to think about ear plugs.
Stitch had a late walk just before dusk which seemed to make him happier with my company, and the couple of bits of popcorn I threw him later in the evening bought him round toot sweet, he is now my best buddy again. This clever little mutt now recognises the noise from the fridge door opening, I swear he nearly took off over my head when my beloved took a sneaky peak later in the evening, it is probably because you know who tends to share cheese with him.....
Is the dog Geordie too?? ����